Friday, January 31, 2014

What if....?


What if...? The world was flat. We had to get mail from the post office ourselves. We didn't have cars. We built cities underground. The earth had gravity like the moon. Everything was made up of multiple islands. The sky was a different color. You could walk on clouds. People lived forever. No one starting today could have children. Everyone had an equal chance. We only spoke one language. You had to build everything by hand. Everyone got along with everyone. The ocean is made out of drinkable water. We could live under the sea. If we looked into the water we could see all the way to to bottom.

What if.. we build cities under ground? Well that would be quite amazing, to have a full blown running city right under out feet. There would of course be some draw back and some positive things. As humans we really depend on light so there would have to be a system in place that allowed us to always have some soft of light. It could be an electrical thing or maybe we could build reflective skylights with glass around them. Another drawback would be building the city its self. You would have to dig a hole big enough to fit at least 250,000 people. Also you would need the correct building materials and resources to get everything down into the hole. You would need to hire people to self maintain the underground city as well. BUT some positive things about it would be we could potentially double the worlds population. Thousands of children are being born everyday, outnumbering the number of deaths occurring each day. This continuously poses a threat to our indulgent life styles. So if we had under ground cities this would eliminate that threat for at least 200 years if not more. The space under neath us is so vast and un used, it has the potential for so much. This operation would be very costly and would require a lot of time and work to complete it, but once it was complete you can do so much with it. The city would run like another with stores, roads and buildings. There would need to have a transport system in place for the goods to be sent to and from the city. Eventually we could have roads and trains connecting multiple cities together and it would create a grid like structure. Lets say for example they biult one under New york, it would consist of the same geographical space as new york but could be designed quite differently than the upper New york.

What if... no one starting today could have children? Some sort of phenomonenom would have to occur in the air or something would need to happen to cause the prevention of having children to everyone. Let's just say something from space travelled through our atmosphere and caused women to stop getting pregnant. This would of cours be quite a horrible thing. How would human life go on without child birth exsisting? I think at fisrt people would begin to panic. There would be caos around the world and people would be looking for answers that they would never recive. Everyone else who is currently pregnent would start to become idolized. I'm sure there would be great percaushions as to nmake sure the baby was as healthy as could be. Everyone one would come together to insure those who wern't born yet would have the best possible chance to be born. Next people would really stop having a social life if they had children. All of their time would be devoted to ensuring there child was safe at any cost. The government would put rules into effect that prevented children under the age of 18 to be home schooled and really they wouldn't be able to leave their home. Once they reached the age of 18 they would be free to do whatb they want but under the condition that they stay as sfae as possible.
By now lets say its been around 30 years. The youngest person alive would be 30 years old. The population has nearly been cut in half from the extension of child birth. Those still alive were at to opposite ends of the spectrum. They either were extremely careful with everything they did, or they lived on the wild side. As the years go by people start to care less and less about rules and the government. They start to do whatever they want because their lives will end anyways.

What if.. the stuff under your nails was blue? Well if the "stuff" under my nails were blue that would imply that my blood would have a blue tint to it. Assuming that my blood is blue I will also assume that my skin has a bit different color to it. Rather than being a soft pink and tan color it would be a soft blue tan color. Since currently I am a hot blooded mammal with red blood, I will also assume that now that my blood is blue I am a clod blooded mammal. Earth would have an average temperature of 90 degrees instead of 70 degrees on a warm day. Our race of blue human would crave the sunlight and would soak it up every chance we got. Every building would have a completely see through roof so that way we would always be able to touch the sun light. In our new blue blooded society we would also tend to build our structures higher to be closer to the sun.

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