Friday, February 14, 2014

Starting of my rough draft

Throughout life everyone makes mistakes, no matter how experienced you are in something you’re still making error in your life. Paulo Coelho states this perfectly, “When you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat, and despair are the tools God uses to show us the way.”
I’m a full time college student who works a part time job. I live in a stable home with my family and we get by just fine. I have a good outlook on life and I’m never really in a bad mood. This is what my life is like right now, but three years ago everything was different. My view on life when I was 15 was one of someone who didn’t care about much but themselves. Everything I did was for me and me only. I would manipulate people and lie to them to make myself seem better. I always thought my family was stupid and I really never wanted to be around them. Then I got the reality check of a life time when my mother passed away from a drug overdose. It turned my whole world around in one flash of a second. I thought I had lost everything and that no one was there for me. Those next couples of months were the worst of my life; nothing could take me out of the depression I was in. I had a lot of time to think about what had happened and I noticed my life starting to change. My goals, beliefs and interests all started to unravel in my head and change into new goals and new interests. My value system for other people and for myself changed in a heartbeat. Instead of only caring for myself I stated to wonder why I was the way I was. What was the point of being hateful for no reason? Everyone deserved better from me, including myself. I had to make the hardest choice in my life that day. Was I just going to sit around feeling sorry for myself or was I going to get up and change. Well I chose to be the person I think my mother would want me to be. Instead of always taking people for granted and judging them on their mistakes from the past I always try to look beyond that. How can I judge someone for something awful they have done then expect them not to do it back to me? It’s definitely hard to get past something like this but as humans it’s our nature to survive, to get through the hard times and into something new and wonderful.

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